Vietnamese Red

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

There is more than one kind of garlic known as Vietnamese Red.  I have seen it portrayed by an expert as a Rocambole though I wonder whether rockies can grow in tropical Vietnam? I have also seen a Vietnamese Red that is a standard Purple Stripe garlic from more than one grower so this description will be for the Purple Stripe Vietnamese Red.

​Standard Purple Stripes and marvelous garlics with unique properties of elongated clove cover tips that can be four to six inches long and scapes that curl 3/4 ths of a loop before straightening up in the spring. They harvest in mid-season and store all the way through the following winter. Standard Purple Stripes are my hardneck benchmark garlics as I gauge all other hardecks taste/flavor on whether it is stronger or less strong than the standard Purple Stripes. They are beautiful garlics with a lot of purple striping and nearly solid color in the clove covers at times and lots of character and store well,

They have a creamy mellow garlickiness to their taste and about average pungency when Raw and with a long, warm aftertaste. Standard Purple Stripes are extremely sweet when roasted due to their naturally high sugar content. They are fabulous when cut into thin slices and sauteed your favorite meats or in soups and stews.

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