Rose de Lautrec

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 16, 2024 by

Harvests early summer - stores into spring

Many Americans who travel to the South of France for the cuisine fall in love with a beautiful garlic there called Rose du Lautrec and to their regret, they cannot find it when they return to the USA. Friends, we finally have some Rose de Lautrec and expect to have even more next year. Rose de Lautrec is a beautiful Creole that is almost as long storing as its fellow French Creole, Germinador but has a much more robust flavor.

Rose de Lautrec has a very unique flavor, I don't think I've ever tasted one quite like it. It has a modest amount of pungency, perhaps 3 or 4 on a scale of 10, so it is a warm garlic but not a hot one. Its flavor is what separates it from the others; It has a deep sort of muskiness but with an influence of dijon mustard or a hint of horseradish. It left me with the impression of a flat, wide yet deep flavor quite unlike any other garlic. One of these days, I have to see what it is like cooked. So many garlics, So little time... 

The size all Creole garlics grow to depends on where they grow as they require as much direct overhead sunlight as they can get.  Most of them have grown in the Caribbean area the last 500 years and they get real big when grown down South but rather small when grown in the north because they cannot get the intense sunlight they need.

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