Rogue River Red

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

Mellow softneck Artichoke garlic.

Rogue River Red is a hardy and vigorous garlic that we found growing here when we moved in and the previous owner didn't know where it came from. It is a great survivor and has become our best grower.

Rogue River Red is an early-mid season harvesting medium-rich flavored and only mildly pungent softneck Artichoke with straw-colored clove covers and often a lot of purplish color to the bulb wrappers. Excellent all-around garlic that can be braided and stores into mid-winter.

It is good to grow these along with Porcelains or Silverskin garlics so you can have both early season and longer storing kinds. You may not ever run out of good garlic.

Grows very well in most of the USA and can even be grown in warm winter areas quite well.

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