Russian Purple

Claire Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

Harvests in early summer - stores into winter

Lush, green plant with rich flavor and crispy texture - stores well.

Russian Purple is one of those garlics which defies description because it seems to be a Rocambole but it has contradictory indicators that seem to exclude it from that category. Then it seems to be a Turban but, again it has characteristics that are not Turban. It most closely resembles Purple Italian, AKA Italian Easy-Peel; however, it has pea-size bulbils that are too big to be Rocamboles, which have rice-size bulbils.

Russian Purple are excellent for raw eating or in pesto as they have a clear, crisp texture and a mellow taste that reminds of shallots with a faint hint of horseradish and leaves you with a mildly warm aftertaste that is smooth and not bitter.  

Russian Purple's bulb wrappers are sleek and parchment-like and the outer ones are very, very white. As you peel away the outer wrappers the inner wrapper seem to get more parchment-like and the clove covers are  solid buff, the color of my old khaki army uniform.

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