Cuban Purple

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 16, 2024 by

Harvests early summer - stores into spring

Cuban Purple in most years is the darkest of the Creole garlics, being a distinctly purple color that can be almost a dusty "black"ish color at times. Cuban Purple is very consistent in size in that most of the bulbs will be of similar size with few extra large or extra small bulbs (commercial growers like that). Some years it will, like Creole Red, have only 4-6 very large dark purple cloves.

Taste = Wow! Cuban Purple is a very rich, earthy garlicky flavor with very little pungency (hotness when raw) and that makes it an excellent garlic for raw eating and in pesto, salsa, etc. A hardy garlic that is great for growing in Florida and all along the Gulf Coast - California, too. 

The size all Creole garlics grow to depends on where they grow as they require as much direct overhead sunlight as they can get.  Most of them have grown in the Caribbean area the last 500 years and they get real big when grown down South but rather small when grown in the north because they cannot get the intense sunlight they need.

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