California Late

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

Harvests in early summer - stores into mid-winter

The Gilroy cultivar you used to find in the local supermarkets and now grown along with California Early. California Late is a little on the hot side and has more color. Cal Late is more of a mid-late season garlic and it is a prolific grower and a good commercial garlic. It does seem to tolerate hot spring weather well and stores well also. I was pleasantly surprised by how much more flavor our Cal Late garlic was than the ones we bought in the stores. The difference our healthy soil and careful handling made is phenomenal.  When grown and harvested properly, Cal Late is an excellent all- around general use garlic and a wonderful baker. It's a very good growers garlic as it has many large cloves (even the innermost cloves are of good size) and it stores well under proper conditions. The Gilroy people chose their garlic well, they just didn't grow it well. Great garlic became a casualty of modern farming, but rightful growing can restore it to its place of dignity.

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