Silver Rose

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

Harvests in late summer - stores through spring 

Grows well over most of the USA from up north to the warm winter areas but marginal along the gulf coast and south California. 

I have only recently discovered Silver Rose and already I love it. The bulbs are large and firm and the outer bulb wrappers are thick and white but one discovers their true inner beauty as the white wrappers give way to a rosy hue as the clove covers become visible. They taste as good as they look.

Wow! The taste is magnificent - Rich and musky in garlickiness, yet mild in pungency. Long on flavor and short on burn. If you want the bold taste of real garlic in your recipes, try this wonderful long storing cultivar. Bulbs will average eight to twelve large cloves per bulb with very few small cloves, unlike some Silverskins. While the taste is mellow for a few months after harvest, the longer it stores, the hotter it becomes when raw.

Silverskins are very late harvesting, very long storing garlics. They have several clove layers and wrapper layers; that's what makes them so long storing.

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