Nootka Rose

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

Grows well in most of the country but marginal in warmest winter areas.

Nootka Rose is a magnificent old heirloom silverskin from Washington state but its origin prior to that is unclear As with many silverskins its bulb wrappers are thick and creamy white. The cloves; however, are a beautiful deep mahogony color with red streaks and almost solid red elongated tips. Bulbs can become large for a silverskin and contain 15 to 20 or more cloves. Clove colors can become a little more subdued when grown in rich garden-type soils.

It makes an excellent braider and you can strip off the bulb wrappers down to the cloves and use its burgundy-on-rosewood appearance as an attractive table centerpiece for that special occasion.This very imperial looking garlic has a taste as bold as its looks. It has the full flavored character typical of silverskins and its parchment-like bulb wrappers are easy to peel.

Nootka Rose is just about always the last garlic to mature and be harvested and is often, if not usually, the longest storing garlic of all.

Because it is a long storing variety, you might want to grow some and save them for the time when your other varieties have already sprouted and are no longer in an ideal eating condition. It's worth having this one just for its decorative possibilities, even if you don't eat much garlic.

Nootka Rose Garlic

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