German White

Ben Ronniger Last updated on Jul 15, 2024 by

Harvests early-mid summer - stores into spring

Grows well in most states even in warm winter areas but will be marginal at best in most of Florida and south Texas.

German White, is also known as German Extra-Hardy, Northern White and German Stiffneck is a large, beautiful and well-formed porcelain garlic. These are all the same garlic but grown in different places under different names. Its flavor is very strong and robust and sticks around for a long time.

From a grower's perspective, it is a tall dark green plant and is a very good survivor, usually grows healthy and appears to be somewhat resistant to many of the diseases that can affect garlic. It originally came from Germany but grows well in all but the most southerly states, where it is marginal.

Being a Porcelain German White/ Extra Hardy stores a long time at cool room temp, around 10 months or longer.

German White Garlic

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